Dear Guest,

You may be wondering who we are.  Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a gathering of sinner/saints.  In our flesh we are sinners, but because of Jesus’ crucifixion we are saints in His blood through faith.

If you’re looking for a congregation that strives to proclaim God’s Word in its truth, then Trinity Lutheran may be for you.  Please come by and visit us.  We welcome you as our guest!

We are a conservative congregation that holds to the Bible as God’s true Word.  We confess the historic belief of the Lutheran church, and worship according to the traditional liturgies of our church body.

You are welcome to attend Sunday School and adult Bible class, women’s groups, and weekday Bible classes as well as a variety of other activities. 


If you are not a member of a Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod congregation, you may participate in an adult confirmation class and learn the basics of the Christian faith.  There is no obligation to become a member after taking this class.


If you have questions about our congregation or would like a church brochure, please e-mail us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.



              David Oberdieck, Pastor



                Phone:  417-532-2717



GOOD NEWS !   Put your name in the blanks.

For God so loved __________ that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer, die, and rise in victory for __________ , so that believing in Jesus as the Savior from sin, __________ shall not perish, but __________ shall have everlasting life. – John 3:16